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Why use Braver?

Screenshot of the list of collaborations
Screenshot of the list of collaborations
Screenshot of the list of collaborations
Screenshot of the list of collaborations
Screenshot of the list of collaborations
Screenshot of the list of collaborations
Screenshot of the list of collaborations
A network of verified healthcare professionals

Build your own network of collaborators and work alongside motivated and involved clinicians.

Screenshot of the list of collaborations
Patient records

Keep your communications organized and easily accessible.

Screenshot of the list of collaborations
Voice recordings

Keep communication at your fingertips, even while moving around, to optimize the time it takes to share information.

Screenshot of the list of collaborations
Media files

Avoid wasting time deleting photos or videos in your phone's camera roll; photos or videos taken via the application will not be saved to your device.

Screenshot of the list of collaborations
PDF export

Easily leave a record of your communications in the patient's chart.

Screenshot of the list of collaborations
Notification & unavailability schedule

Protect your work-life balance.

Screenshot of the list of collaborations
PIN/facial recognition

Rest assured that patients' personal health information is protected even on your personal device.

Screenshot of the list of collaborations